Tram Stops Functioning for 3rd Time at Orlando International Airport

For the third time in the last five days the new tram stopped working causing headaches for passengers. Hundreds of passengers were forced to take a bus or walk to their gates. Some flights had to be delayed, but yesterday more than 50 travelers missed their flights, according to Executive Director Phil Brown.



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United Airlines Computer Glitch Delays Flights

National_Airlines_Boeing_757-200_SimonThousands of United Airlines’ passengers across the world were delayed Thursday evening for several hours due to a computer glitch.
The Chicago-based airline confirmed in a statement on its Twitter feed late on Thursday that an issue with its weight reporting system temporarily halted departures. The company apologized for the inconvenience and confirmed they were working “to get customers to their destinations as soon as possible.” Continue reading “United Airlines Computer Glitch Delays Flights”

Orlando International Airport to Shut Down Operations at 8 p.m. Thursday

Boeing_737-2B7_Adv._US_Air_N279AU,_MCO_Orlando,_FL_(Orlando_International_Airport),_USA_PP1164719158Thursday morning, Orlando International Airport officials announced that the airport will be closed to commercial operations starting at 8 p.m. because of Hurricane Matthew. The announcement was made on the airport’s official twitter page.
An airport spokesman confirmed that OIA will close at 8 a.m. and hopes to reopen on Saturday but only after damage assessment is done. However, Mathhew has been unpredictable until now and it is not known for sure when it will resume flight operations. Continue reading “Orlando International Airport to Shut Down Operations at 8 p.m. Thursday”

Bill Nelson Wants Limits on Drones Around Airports

1google-droneNowadays, drones are widely used by hobbyists for photography and corporations for surveying purposes. The growing use of drones is adding to safety concerns and U.S. Senator Bill Nelson, D-Fla. called a meeting of the top executives of seven of Florida’s largest airports. The meeting was held at Orlando International Airport on Friday.

Drones are quickly becoming a threat to airliners and need to be federally regulated to ensure that they don’t get too close to airplanes landing or taking off from airports, Continue reading “Bill Nelson Wants Limits on Drones Around Airports”

USO Welcome Center is Coming to Orlando International Airport

800px-Orlando_International_Airport_terminal_from_arriving_airplaneThe USO Central Florida to build a welcome center at the Orlando International Airport.

More than 10,000 soldiers, sailors and marines pass through the airport every week and they are looking for a place to stay between flights.

At more than 160 airports nationwide and around the world, including Germany, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan, United Arab Emirates, and other countries, American troops and their families can find USO welcome centers, where they might connect to loved ones via Internet or phone, play a video game, relax and let their kids play, get a free snack, or have a private farewell. But for Orlano International Airport it will be the first USO welcome center for the past 15 years. Continue reading “USO Welcome Center is Coming to Orlando International Airport”

Frontier Airlines Expands Service to Orlando International Airport

800px-Frontier_Airlines_Fawn_Airbus_A318-111_N808FRFrontier Airlines is expanding its services with 42 new non-stop routes across the country, including six new flights to Orlando International Airport. The first new service begins April 14 with flights to Nashville and Raleigh/Durham. The following day April 15, flights to Charlotte and New Orleans take off. Lastly,flights to Dallas and Fort Worth start June 16.
Frontier is also adding non-stop flights between Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport and O’Hare International Airport in Chicago and Orlando International Airport, startig April 15. Continue reading “Frontier Airlines Expands Service to Orlando International Airport”

Melbourne Airport to Add ‘Orlando’ to Its Name

Plane wing at sunset.jpgMelbourne International Airport is planning  to market itself as Orlando Melbourne International Airport. Looking to attract more passengers and air service, Melbourne International Airport is attempting to connect with one of the top tourism destinations in the world by marketing itself as Orlando Melbourne International Airport.

One of the points is travelers to consider Melbourne as a less congested alternative to the airports in Orlando. As Melbourne airport has always been overshadowed by Orlando International Airport and even Orlando Sanford International Airport. Continue reading “Melbourne Airport to Add ‘Orlando’ to Its Name”

Orlando Airport First to Add Facial Recognition

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOrlando International Airport (MCO) has become the first airport in the United States to add facial recognition technology to its automated passport control (APC) kiosks.

The technology is part of new requirement from U.S. Customs and Border Protection. The APC kiosks are meant to verify people’s identities by matching their faces to the biometric data in the newer passports with a 99.7% successful match rate. The APC kiosks take a snapshot of each traveler’s face and compare the image with biometric record in their e-passports. Continue reading “Orlando Airport First to Add Facial Recognition”

Transgender Passenger Detained by TSA at Orlando Airport

Gender-Symbol_Transgender_M2F_LesbianTransportation Security Administration agents at the Orlando International Airport detained a transgender woman when a suspicious “anomaly” appeared in her image after she entered an X-ray security scanner.

The transgender woman says TSA agents called her a man and held her for a lengthy security inspection because of her genitals at the Orlando airport on Monday.

Shadi Petosky, a television writer and executive producer for Puny Entertainment, was on her way back to Minneapolis from a vacation in Orlando, Fla. in celebration of her own birthday and her mother’s retirement when she was stopped at the airport and detained by Continue reading “Transgender Passenger Detained by TSA at Orlando Airport”